Senior Vipassana Meditation practitioners exhibit distinct REM sleep organization from that of novice meditators and healthy controls
上記に、この論文へのリンクが有りますので興味のある方は是非原典を読んでください。私は、アドバイザーとして後ろから2番目の著者になっています。主たる研究推進者はラストオーサーのBindu Kutty先生です。対象はヴィパッサナー瞑想ヨガの実践者で、インドのこういった研究をみると非常に特殊な人達と思われるかもしれませんが、むしろ通常は普通の仕事をしていて健康のためにヨガに取り組んでいるオフィスワーカーなどです。瞑想を主体とするインドで始められたヴィパッサナー瞑想ヨガのトレーニングを受けエキスパートになった人と、初心者、そして全くトレーニングを受けていない人を比較して、その睡眠の質についてポリグラフ記録を用いて評価したものです。
科学的には、きちんと脳波を含んだポリグラフ検査をしているところが質の高い研究であること。さらには、介入のないNo Treatment Controlを有しているところも優れた研究である点です。
ヨガ習熟者 20名
ヨガ初心者 16名
コントロール 19名
The present study is aimed to ascertain whether differences in meditation proficiency alter rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) as well as the overall sleep-organization. Whole-night polysomnography was carried out using 32-channel digital EEG system. 20 senior Vipassana meditators, 16 novice Vipassana meditators and 19 non-meditating control subjects participated in the study. The REM sleep characteristics were analyzed from the sleep-architecture of participants with a sleep efficiency index >85%. Senior meditators showed distinct changes in sleep-organization due to enhanced slow wave sleep and REM sleep, reduced number of intermittent awakenings and reduced duration of non-REM stage 2 sleep. The REM sleep-organization was significantly different in senior meditators with more number of REM episodes and increased duration of each episode, distinct changes in rapid eye movement activity (REMA) dynamics due to increased phasic and tonic activity and enhanced burst events (sharp and slow bursts) during the second and fourth REM episodes. No significant differences in REM sleep organization was observed between novice and control groups. Changes in REM sleep-organization among the senior practitioners of meditation could be attributed to the intense brain plasticity events associated with intense meditative practices on brain functions.
Senior Vipassana Meditation practitioners exhibit distinct REM sleep organization from that of novice meditators and healthy controls
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ヴィパッサナー瞑想とは、 自己観察によって 自分を変えていく一つの方法である |
科学的には、きちんと脳波を含んだポリグラフ検査をしているところが質の高い研究であること。さらには、介入のないNo Treatment Controlを有しているところも優れた研究である点です。
ヨガ習熟者 20名
ヨガ初心者 16名
コントロール 19名
The present study is aimed to ascertain whether differences in meditation proficiency alter rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) as well as the overall sleep-organization. Whole-night polysomnography was carried out using 32-channel digital EEG system. 20 senior Vipassana meditators, 16 novice Vipassana meditators and 19 non-meditating control subjects participated in the study. The REM sleep characteristics were analyzed from the sleep-architecture of participants with a sleep efficiency index >85%. Senior meditators showed distinct changes in sleep-organization due to enhanced slow wave sleep and REM sleep, reduced number of intermittent awakenings and reduced duration of non-REM stage 2 sleep. The REM sleep-organization was significantly different in senior meditators with more number of REM episodes and increased duration of each episode, distinct changes in rapid eye movement activity (REMA) dynamics due to increased phasic and tonic activity and enhanced burst events (sharp and slow bursts) during the second and fourth REM episodes. No significant differences in REM sleep organization was observed between novice and control groups. Changes in REM sleep-organization among the senior practitioners of meditation could be attributed to the intense brain plasticity events associated with intense meditative practices on brain functions.
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